14 Mar

Preschool development is a time of growth, creativity and exploration for young children. It focuses on the physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills that are necessary for success in kindergarten and school. The preschool years are a time when many children begin to think about themselves and others in new ways, often taking on leadership roles. They also learn important life skills and gain independence from their parents. 

During the preschool years, children develop their speech and language skills, learning to communicate with adults and others in different ways. They learn about themselves and the world around them through experiences with people and things, including books, music and art. Your preschool development is a key part of preschool education, as she learns how to get along with other children and how to resolve conflicts that may arise during play. Teachers guide your child through these processes and help her develop her social skills, language abilities and self-control. A good preschool program helps children develop the self-regulation skills that will prepare them for kindergarten and other schooling, according to John Bouffard, a professor of psychology at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. These skills include understanding their emotions, paying attention, interacting positively with other children and managing their impulses. Look for more facts about education at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/education-news/

In the early years of preschool, children may act out their emotions by chewing their nails or mouthing off. This may be a sign that they are feeling upset or frustrated and need to express their feelings in a positive way. If your child is acting out in other ways, speak to her GP or child and family health nurse. You can also try to provide a safe and supportive environment for your child to express these feelings. Your child should be able to run, jump, climb and throw balls or other toys by age 3. She should be able to hold a pen or pencil properly (small motor skill) and use her left hand as well as her right (large motor skill). Teaching your child safety rules is important in the preschool years. This can be done through games or conversations about how to keep yourself and others safe. For example, if your child is playing outside and falls on the ground, teach them to call for an adult. Start here

Creative activities help children to build confidence and explore their own individual sense of self. They also help children to solve problems through experimentation and imagination. They are also a great way for kids to work through their frustrations and fears. Preschoolers often have a strong sense of their own identities and want to be recognized for their uniqueness. They also have a natural desire to please their parents and other people in their lives. Emotional development is a major concern for preschoolers. They can become depressed, anxious and frustrated if they don’t learn to recognize their feelings and to control them in positive ways. They can also become defiant and aggressive if they feel they are being treated unfairly or are being ignored.

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